Directed by David Lynch
Starring Nicolas Cage, Laura Dern, Willem Dafoe

Rated R | Runtime 2 hour & 5 minutes

Introduced by CineDOOM programmer, Blackhorse Lowe


After serving prison time for a self-defense killing, Sailor Ripley (Nicolas Cage) reunites with girlfriend Lula Fortune (Laura Dern). Lula's mother, Marietta (Diane Ladd), desperate to keep them apart, hires a hitman to kill Sailor. But he finds a whole new set of troubles when he and Bobby Peru (Willem Dafoe), an old buddy who's also out to get Sailor, try to rob a store. When Sailor lands in jail yet again, the young lovers appear further than ever from the shared life they covet. From wildman David Lynch.

"Accepting Wild at Heart as a flame-fueled story in a Lynchian technique helps to not only concur with the film's harshest critics, but also celebrate the very qualities they condemn."

- Brian Eggert, Deep Focus Review

"A non-stop fun-fest that doesn't have tried to be groovy, but goes to great pains to make sure things stay that way."

Leigh Paatsch, Australia Herald Sun


CineDOOM is a celebration of the theatrical experience at its best, showcasing masterpieces that embody both grit and perfection. It brings together cinematic classics from revered directors like Akira Kurosawa and David Lynch, alongside cutting-edge Indigenous films that push the boundaries of contemporary storytelling. This diverse array of cinematic experiences invites viewers to explore new narratives and perspectives. CineDOOM, curated by Blackhorse Lowe in collaboration with partnering institutions, is made possible in part with funds from Blackhorse Lowe’s United States Artists Fellowship.

CineDOOM website page: https://www.blackhorselowe.com/cinedoom

United States Artists ws: https://www.unitedstatesartists.org/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cine.doom/


Sun Jun 30
No showings.

Directed by David Lynch
Starring Nicolas Cage, Laura Dern, Willem Dafoe

Rated R | Runtime 2 hour & 5 minutes

Introduced by CineDOOM programmer, Blackhorse Lowe


After serving prison time for a self-defense killing, Sailor Ripley (Nicolas Cage) reunites with girlfriend Lula Fortune (Laura Dern). Lula's mother, Marietta (Diane Ladd), desperate to keep them apart, hires a hitman to kill Sailor. But he finds a whole new set of troubles when he and Bobby Peru (Willem Dafoe), an old buddy who's also out to get Sailor, try to rob a store. When Sailor lands in jail yet again, the young lovers appear further than ever from the shared life they covet. From wildman David Lynch.

"Accepting Wild at Heart as a flame-fueled story in a Lynchian technique helps to not only concur with the film's harshest critics, but also celebrate the very qualities they condemn."

- Brian Eggert, Deep Focus Review

"A non-stop fun-fest that doesn't have tried to be groovy, but goes to great pains to make sure things stay that way."

Leigh Paatsch, Australia Herald Sun


CineDOOM is a celebration of the theatrical experience at its best, showcasing masterpieces that embody both grit and perfection. It brings together cinematic classics from revered directors like Akira Kurosawa and David Lynch, alongside cutting-edge Indigenous films that push the boundaries of contemporary storytelling. This diverse array of cinematic experiences invites viewers to explore new narratives and perspectives. CineDOOM, curated by Blackhorse Lowe in collaboration with partnering institutions, is made possible in part with funds from Blackhorse Lowe’s United States Artists Fellowship.

CineDOOM website page: https://www.blackhorselowe.com/cinedoom

United States Artists ws: https://www.unitedstatesartists.org/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cine.doom/


Included with Ticket Purchase
Must bring ticket into Cinema