APR 10 · Q&A w/ Actor & Author
A film by Scott Cooper
w/ Christian Bale, Rosamund Pike, Wes Studi

Rated R
2hr 14min

Including a unique Q & A by Scott Garen with actor Wes Studi and author Hampton Sides (Blood & Thunder) – to explore the deeper themes of the film, the conquest of the West and the underlying belief system and justifications that gave rise to “Manifest Destiny”.

This film traverses the character arc and evolution of a U.S. Army Captain – from outright Indian-hatred to a clear-eyed and compassionate appreciation of the depth, intelligence and humanity of indigenous people through such a remarkable cinematic experience that makes Hostiles one of the most important (and under-rated) films of our time.

Christian Bale, Rosamund Pike and Wes Studi turn in brilliant performances in Scott Cooper’s masterful film – understated, yet commanding in its resonance and the depth of its exploration of the issues that lay at the heart of the unsettlement of the West – and the terrible losses on all sides.  It is one of the most vivid and compelling evocations of the bitter, violent hatreds that separated Native Americans from the settlers and soldiers who invaded their territories.

All elements of the filmmaker’s “palette” are in top form on this film, from its beautiful cinematography – to the stunning locations in Angel Fire and around Santa Fe, Chama and Pagosa Springs – to its score, editing, sound design – and brilliant casting.


Synopsis:  Set in 1892, Hostiles tells the story of a legendary Army Captain (Christian Bale), who reluctantly agrees to escort the dying Cheyenne war chief Yellow Hawk (Wes Studi) and his family back to tribal lands. Making the harrowing and perilous journey from Fort Berringer, an isolated Army outpost in New Mexico, to the grasslands of Montana, the former rivals encounter a young widow (Rosamund Pike) whose family was brutally murdered by a marauding band of Comanches.  Together, they must join forces to overcome the punishing landscape, hostile Comanches, and vicious outliers that they encounter along the journey.  Where Blocker initially humiliates Yellow Hawk, over the course of the film, he learns to appreciate the quiet wisdom of this fierce warrior through the film’s harrowing finale which sees a remarkable turn for Bale’s Army Captain – and a choice that will change the course of his life.

Closed caption and hearing devices are available upon request.
Thu Apr 10

APR 10 · Q&A w/ Actor & Author
Hostiles A film by Scott Cooper
w/ Christian Bale, Rosamund Pike, Wes Studi

Rated R
2hr 14min

Including a unique Q & A by Scott Garen with actor Wes Studi and author Hampton Sides (Blood & Thunder) – to explore the deeper themes of the film, the conquest of the West and the underlying belief system and justifications that gave rise to “Manifest Destiny”.

This film traverses the character arc and evolution of a U.S. Army Captain – from outright Indian-hatred to a clear-eyed and compassionate appreciation of the depth, intelligence and humanity of indigenous people through such a remarkable cinematic experience that makes Hostiles one of the most important (and under-rated) films of our time.

Christian Bale, Rosamund Pike and Wes Studi turn in brilliant performances in Scott Cooper’s masterful film – understated, yet commanding in its resonance and the depth of its exploration of the issues that lay at the heart of the unsettlement of the West – and the terrible losses on all sides.  It is one of the most vivid and compelling evocations of the bitter, violent hatreds that separated Native Americans from the settlers and soldiers who invaded their territories.

All elements of the filmmaker’s “palette” are in top form on this film, from its beautiful cinematography – to the stunning locations in Angel Fire and around Santa Fe, Chama and Pagosa Springs – to its score, editing, sound design – and brilliant casting.


Synopsis:  Set in 1892, Hostiles tells the story of a legendary Army Captain (Christian Bale), who reluctantly agrees to escort the dying Cheyenne war chief Yellow Hawk (Wes Studi) and his family back to tribal lands. Making the harrowing and perilous journey from Fort Berringer, an isolated Army outpost in New Mexico, to the grasslands of Montana, the former rivals encounter a young widow (Rosamund Pike) whose family was brutally murdered by a marauding band of Comanches.  Together, they must join forces to overcome the punishing landscape, hostile Comanches, and vicious outliers that they encounter along the journey.  Where Blocker initially humiliates Yellow Hawk, over the course of the film, he learns to appreciate the quiet wisdom of this fierce warrior through the film’s harrowing finale which sees a remarkable turn for Bale’s Army Captain – and a choice that will change the course of his life.

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